Wednesday 7 March 2012

Fashion Magazines

Info Online Pages is a Local Business Information Center which provides Magazines,
 Magazines in hyderabad information. For more details contact us at 040-30464646

 Magazines can be distributed through the mail; through sales by newsstands,
bookstores or other vendors; or through free distribution at selected pick-up
 locations. Sales models for distribution fall into three main categories
The Gentleman's Magazine, first published in 1731, in London, is considered to have been the first general-interest magazine. Edward Cave, who edited The Gentleman's Magazine under the pen name "Sylvanus Urban," was the first to use the term "magazine," on the analogy of a military storehouse of varied materiel, originally derived from the Arabic makhazin "storehouses".Wordsmith offers this origin: "Plural of Arabic makhzan: storehouse, used figuratively as "storehouse of information" for books, and later to periodicals)."
The oldest consumer magazine still in print is The Scots Magazine, which was first published in 1739, though multiple changes in ownership and gaps in publication totaling over 90 years weaken that claim. Lloyd's List was founded in Edward Lloyd’s England coffee shop in 1734; it is still published as a daily business newspaper.

 n this model, the magazine is sold to readers for a price, either on a per-issue basis or by subscription,
where an annual fee or monthly price is paid and issues are sent by post to readers. Examples from the
 UK include Private Eye and PC Pro.
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